About Us:
We are a dynamic and innovative engineering company with a strong commitment to excellence. Headquartered in Europe, we have a proven track record of success and a reputation for driving innovation in our field. Our team is composed of talented professionals who share a passion in dedication and delivering exceptional results.
The Opportunity:
We are currently seeking a highly skilled and motivated Export Executive to join our team. This role presents an exciting opportunity to contribute to the success of a forward-thinking organization in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate will be part of a team that will make a significant impact on our continued growth and success.
Job Scope: -
Core Responsibilities: -
Requirements: -
Qualifications: -
Fill in the form below and send your application.
Thank you for choosing to use nCore HR as a tool to apply to our business positions.
The nCore HR system allows the registration of Candidate data (personal data required for the candidacy and video asynchronous interviews) that are subsequently made available to the human resources department of this company.
Using nCore HR to propose an application, the user accepts the following terms:
Our Services must not be used improperly. For example, it is forbidden to interfere with our Services or attempt to access it using a method other than the interface and instructions provided by us. Our Services may only be used in the manner permitted by law, including laws and regulations governing export and re-export controls. We may suspend or discontinue the provision of our Services to you if you fail to comply with our terms or our policies or if we are investigating a case of alleged wrongdoing.
By using our Services, you do not become the owner of any intellectual property rights on our Services or the content accessed. It is forbidden to use the contents coming from our Services without having obtained the authorization from the owner or where it is not permitted by law. These terms do not grant you the right to use any trademark or logo used in our Services. It is forbidden to remove, obscure or alter any legal notices displayed in our Services or together with them.
Some of our Services are available on mobile devices. Such Services must not be used if they can distract and cause violations of the highway code or safety laws.
The privacy rules illustrate how we process personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that you may use such data in accordance with our privacy policies.
Some of our Services allow you to upload, transmit, store, send or receive content. The user retains any intellectual property rights held on such content. In short, what belongs to the user remains his property.
When the user uploads, transmits, stores, sends or receives content from or through our Services, grants a global license to use, host, store, reproduce the aforementioned content. The rights you grant with this license are for the limited purpose of using, promoting and improving our Services and developing new ones. This license remains even if the user stops using our Services. Some Services may offer ways to access and remove the content provided to this Service. In addition, some of our Services contain terms or settings that restrict the scope of our use of the content sent to such Services. You must ensure that you have the necessary rights to grant us this license with respect to any content sent to our Services.
Our automated systems analyze user content in order to offer additional functionality to human resources. This analysis occurs when the contents are transmitted, received and stored.
For more information on how to use and store the contents adopted, you can consult the privacy rules or additional terms of the specific Services. Should you send feedback or suggestions on our Services, we may use such feedback or suggestions without any obligation to you.
We constantly work to modify and improve our services. We may add or remove features or features and we may suspend or terminate the provision of a Service altogether. You may stop using our Services at any time, even if we will be sorry to see it go away. Our company may also terminate the provision of Services to you or establish new access limits to the Services at any time.
We may modify these terms or any additional terms applicable to a Service, for example to reflect changes to the laws or our Services. The terms must be consulted on a regular basis. We will publish communications regarding changes to the terms on this page. Notifications regarding any changes made to the additional terms will be published in the relevant Service. The changes will not be retroactive and will come into force no sooner than fourteen days after the date of publication. However, any changes related to the new functions of a Service or any changes made for legal reasons will immediately enter into force. If the user does not accept the modified terms of a Service, he is asked to stop using it.
In the event of a conflict between these terms and additional terms, additional terms will prevail. These terms govern the relationship between our company and the user, and do not give rise to any right of third-party beneficiaries.
If the user does not comply with these terms, the failure to adopt appropriate measures on our part can not be understood as a waiver of our rights (for example the right to take action in the future).
If a specific provision proves to be inapplicable, such inapplicability will not be extended to the other provisions.
For any controversy the defined forum is that of Milan.
per il trattamento dei dati personali dei Candidati all’interno del portale del Gruppo
Il Regolamento UE 679/2016 (di seguito “GDPR”) stabilisce norme relative alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, al fine di tutelare i diritti e le libertà fondamentali delle persone fisiche.
Ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del GDPR, la informiamo qui di seguito delle modalità e delle finalità con cui il Gruppo facente capo ad Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. tratterà i dati personali dei soggetti interessati candidati a ricoprire posizioni lavorative presso di noi.
Il Gruppo facente capo ad Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. (il “Gruppo”) attribuisce grande importanza al diritto alla privacy e alla protezione dei tuoi dati personali in conformità con le leggi applicabili e con le sue Data Privacy Policies.
Il Titolare del Trattamento è la società del Gruppo, espressamente indicata all’interno dei nostri Job Posting, interessata alla ricerca e selezione del personale per incremento del proprio organico.
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A, in qualità di Holding e nell’ambito dell’erogazione dei servizi infragruppo, si occupa di svolgere l’attività di selezione e ricerca del personale per conto delle società del Gruppo. Nell’espletamento di tale funzione Officine Maccaferri S.p.A ricopre il ruolo di Responsabile del Trattamento.
Raccogliamo i suoi dati personali direttamente da lei quando ci invia spontaneamente un curriculum vitae, quando risponde ad un nostro annuncio di lavoro o quando effettua un colloquio di lavoro con noi.
In alcuni casi potremmo ottenere i suoi dati personali (dati anagrafici; dati di contatto; dati relativi alla formazione ed all’esperienza professionale; eventuali dati sensibili sullo stato di salute nel caso in cui lei appartenga ad una categoria protetta; altri dati tipicamente contenuti nei curriculum vitae) da società di selezione del personale, a cui lei ha dato il suo consenso a condividere i suoi dati. Potremmo, infine, ottenere alcuni suoi dati personali da social network, elenchi e registri pubblici ed albi professionali, ad esempio nel caso in cui dovessimo verificare le competenze e le qualifiche professionali da lei dichiarate. Si precisa che, salvo il caso in cui sia espressamente richiesto per ricoprire una determinata posizione lavorativa (es. appartenenza ad una categoria protetta), non verranno tratti dati sensibili dei candidati. Per tale ragione, la invitiamo a non fornire alcun dato sensibile all’interno del proprio curriculum (cioè dati che rivelino natura razziale ed etnica, convinzioni religiose, filosofiche o di altro genere, opinioni politiche, adesione a partiti, sindacati, associazioni di carattere religioso, filosofico, politico o sindacale, nonché dati idonei a rivelare lo stato di salute e la vita sessuale).
Tratteremo i suoi dati personali per le seguenti finalità di trattamento:
a) Selezione del personale
Tratteremo i suoi dati personali per perseguire il nostro legittimo interesse a selezionare ed assumere lavoratori che abbiano un profilo professionale adatto alle nostre esigenze e coerente con la posizione lavorativa oggetto della candidatura.
b) Conservazione del curriculum e condivisione dei dati con le società del Gruppo.
Qualora lei si sia candidato per una posizione specifica, i suoi dati personali, inclusi i dati presenti nel suo curriculum vitae, saranno conservati in una banca dati centralizzata gestita da Officine Maccaferri S.p.A., alla quale potranno accedere le società del Gruppo, al fine di poter valutare il suo profilo per possibili posizioni lavorative disponibili
presso le società del gruppo.
In assenza del suo consenso, il trattamento sarà limitato solo al tempo necessario per l’attività di selezione e sarà condiviso solo con la società interessata alla ricerca.
Prima della scadenza del periodo di conservazione riceverà una email come promemoria della scadenza. Qualora avesse ancora interesse a lavorare per il Gruppo potrà rinnovare il proprio consenso collegandosi al nostro portale. Le ricordiamo che in qualsiasi momento potrà richiedere la cancellazione dei propri dati ai sensi dell’art. 8 di cui alla presente Informativa Privacy.
Il conferimento dei dati personali è facoltativo ma necessario, poiché in caso di mancato conferimento non sarà possibile candidarsi a ricoprire una posizione lavorativa presso di noi.
Possono venire a conoscenza dei suoi dati personali i nostri dipendenti e collaboratori che si occupano della selezione del personale. I dati potranno essere comunicati a soggetti operanti in qualità di titolari autonomi legittimati a richiederli, oppure trattati, per conto della Società, da soggetti designati come responsabili del trattamento, a cui sono impartite adeguate istruzioni operative. Tali soggetti sono essenzialmente costituite da società, ivi incluse società appartenenti al Gruppo stesso, di cui il Titolare si avvale ai fini della selezione, recruiting e valutazione dei candidati.
I suoi dati personali saranno trattati con strumenti automatizzati e non automatizzati. Specifiche misure di sicurezza sono osservate per prevenire la perdita dei dati, usi illeciti ed accessi non autorizzati.
La informiamo che al fine di dare seguito alla sua candidatura, potrebbe essere necessario condividere i suoi dati personali con alcune delle società del gruppo che hanno sede in paesi che si trovano al di fuori dello Spazio Economico Europeo (SEE). Lei ha il diritto di ottenere informazioni relative ai destinatari o alle categorie di destinatari a cui i dati personali sono stati o saranno comunicati.
In ogni caso, qualora sia necessario procedere al trasferimento dei dati, il trasferimento avverrà in:
a) Paesi extra UE “il cui livello di protezione dei dati è stato ritenuto adeguato dalla Commissione Europea ai sensi dell’art. 45 del GDPR”
b) Paesi Extra UE diversi da quelli di cui al punto che recede “previa sottoscrizione delle clausole contrattuali standard (Standard Contractual Clauses) adottate/ approvate dalla Commissione Europea ai sensi dell’art. 46, 2, lett. c) e d)”
È vostro diritto (nelle circostanze e alle condizioni, e fatte salve le eccezioni, stabilite dalla legge applicabile) di:
I diritti di cui sopra, con riferimento ai dati personali concernenti persone decedute, ai sensi dell’art. 2 terdecies del D.Lgs. 101/2018, potranno essere esercitati da chi ha un interesse proprio, o agisce a tutela dell’interessato, in qualità di suo mandatario, o per ragioni familiari meritevoli di protezione.
Per qualsiasi richiesta relativa all’esercizio dei diritti suddetti potete scrivere a Group.HR@maccaferri.com
Se, nonostante il nostro impegno e i nostri sforzi per proteggere i vostri dati personali, ritenete che i vostri diritti alla protezione dei dati siano stati violati, vi invitiamo innanzi tutto a rivolgervi a dpo.hq@maccaferri.com per cercare di risolvere qualsiasi questione. Avete sempre il diritto di avanzare un reclamo direttamente all'autorità di vigilanza pertinente o adire le vie legali presso un tribunale competente (nel paese in cui vivete, nel paese in cui lavorate o nel paese in cui ritenete che la legge sulla protezione dei dati personali sia stata violata).
for the processing of personal data of Candidates within the Group portal
Regulation EU 679/2016 (hereinafter "GDPR") lays down rules on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons.
Pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR, we inform you of the methods and purposes with which the Data Controller will process the personal data of interested candidates to apply for job positions in the Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.’s Group.
The Data Controller is the company of Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.’s Group (“Group”), expressly indicated within the Job Posting, interested in the research and selection of employees.
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Street, 10,
40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A as holding of the Group and as part of the intra-group services, is responsible for the selection and research of employees for the companies of the Group, expressly indicated in section 7, acting with the role of Data Processor.
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A and the Italian companies listed in section 7 below, have appointed a data protection officer - "DPO" that you can contact if you have questions about the policies and practices adopted.
You can contact the DPO at:
Please note that the candidate following the application and in case of a call for the interview, will receive the specific privacy policy of the company of the Group interested in the search and selection of employees.
We collect your personal data directly from you when you voluntarily send us a resume, when you respond to our job advertisement or when you conduct a job interview with us.
In some cases we may obtain your personal data (personal data; contact details; training and professional experience data; any sensitive health data if you belong to a protected category) by recruitment companies and/or other companies of the Group, to which you have given your consent to share your data. It should be noted that, unless
it is expressly required to hold a certain employment position (e.g. membership of a protected category), no special data will be processed on the health status of applicants. For this reason, we invite you not to provide any particular data within your curriculum (i.e., data revealing racial and ethnic nature, religious, philosophical or other beliefs,
political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, religious, philosophical, political or trade union associations, as well as data to reveal health status and sexual life).
We will process your personal data for the following processing purposes:
a) Recruitment
We will process your personal data to pursue the purpose of selecting and hiring workers who have a professional profile adapted to the needs and consistent with the job position. The company interested in the application is expressly indicated within the Job Posting and the candidate acknowledges that by sending the curriculum for the specific position, Officine Maccaferri S.p.A is authorized to share its data with the company of the Group interested in research.
b) Retention of the curriculum and sharing of data with the companies of the Group
If you have given your consent, your personal data, including the data in your curriculum vitae, will be stored in a centralized database managed by Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.
By authorizing the storage, Officine Maccaferri S.p.A may share your data with the companies of the Group, in order to evaluate your profile for possible news job positions.
Before the expiry of the retention period you will receive an email as a reminder of the expiry. If you still have an interest in working for the Group, you can renew your consent by connecting to our portal. We remind you that at any time you can request the cancellation of your data pursuant to article 8 referred to in this Privacy Policy.
The provision of personal data is optional but necessary, because in case of failure to provide it will not be possible to apply for a job with us.
Our employees and collaborators in charge of personnel selection may be informed of your personal data. The data may be communicated to persons acting as independent authorized owners and/or with your consent, or processed on behalf of the company by persons designated as data processors, to whom appropriate operatinginstructions are given.
Your personal data will be processed with automated and non-automated tools. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit use and unauthorized access.
We inform you that in order to follow up your application, your data may be processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA) with appropriate guarantees.
You have the right to obtain information related to the recipients or categories of recipients to whom your personal data have been or will be disclosed.
In any case, where it is necessary to transfer the data, the transfer will take place through:
a) Adequacy decision of the European Commission pursuant to art. 45 EU Regulation 679/2016
b) Standard Contractual Clauses ex Art. 46, 2, lett. c) and d)
A copy of the above guarantees can be obtained by sending a specific request to the Data Controller in accordance with the procedures laid down in the paragraph "Rights of the interested party - Complaint to the supervisory authority".
It is your right (in the circumstances and under the conditions, and subject to exceptions, established by applicable law) to:
The above rights, with reference to personal data concerning deceased persons, pursuant to art. 2 terdecies of Legislative Decree no. 101/2018, may be exercised by those who have an interest in, or act to protect the interested party, as his agent, or for family reasons worthy of protection.
The Data Controller must do so without delay and, in any case, no later than one month after receipt of your request. The period may be extended by two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity and the number of requests received. In such cases, within one month of receiving your request, the Data Controller will inform you and inform you of the reasons for the extension.
For any further information and to send your request write to the address Group.hr@maccaferri.com
In addition, for reasons relating to your particular situation, you can object at any time to the processing of your personal data if it is based on legitimate interest, by sending your request to the address Group.hr@maccaferri.com
Who can you complain to?
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial action, you may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, unless you are resident or working in another Member State. In the latter case, or in the case where the violation of the law on the protection of personal data takes place in another EU country, the competence to receive and know the complaint will be the control authorities established there.
Any update of this information will be communicated to you promptly and by appropriate means and you will be informed, before proceeding and in time to give your consent if necessary.